
Why we believe you deserve better.

As publishers shut their doors to new authors, you may be feeling left out in the cold. So if you love writing, but hate the thought of producing a book on your own, we can help you.

Hi, I'm Peter.

My wife Caroline and I have been working with authors for 16 years.

People often ask where the idea for BespokeAuthor came from. I wish I could credit a spark of genius, or "a-ha" moment. But I can't. The truth is I began working with authors by accident. My design background led me to create a cover for a friend and then as word spread, the business grew.

Over time we added complete publishing packages to help writers more, and now we're very lucky to work with authors from all over the world.

But one thing authors kept telling us was how badly they were treated by others in the publishing world.

Many told us tales of how they had written countless letters to agents - only to be ignored.

Others told us they tried approaching big publishers - sending in proposal after proposal - and never even received a reply.

And others shared with us heart-breaking stories of how they got caught up with vanity publishers. They'd innocently signed away the rights and royalties to their book (and all their future books), and were now on the verge of giving up writing for good.


We knew this had to change.

So we decided to build a service, with old-fashioned values, that's fairer to you the author.

One where you're respected. Where you can speak to a real human, and get help when you need it. The way good service used to be.

While we're not perfect, we try every day to treat authors how we like to be treated - with fairness and friendliness.

  • When you work with my wife Caroline and me you get a bespoke service.
  • We'll create a beautiful and professional cover design for you. 
  • We'll format the interior of your book so it looks perfect in digital and print (so your readers love reading your book)
  • And we can even take care of publishing it for you (leaving you to do what you love - write).
  • You keep all of the rights to your work (so you never have to worry about that). 
  • And most importantly you keep full control of your book (no gatekeepers telling you what to do).
  • For extra peace of mind, there are no hidden fees.
  • Plus you get 1-on-1 help directly from us (Peter and Caroline) every step of the way. No chat bots or impersonal support.

Although traditional publishing, (no) thanks to its numerous gatekeepers, is still dominated by those with the right connections, the books most people actually want to read are being written by authors, just like you.

If we could give new authors the chance to publish their book without being treated badly in the process, we’d be rewarded with richer stories that would shape the world for the better.

I'm sure we can agree being a first-time author is not easy.

Struggling with self-doubt, the "Am I good enough?" feeling, staying on track, saying something worth sharing, keeping going, then editing (countless days editing!). 

Not only that, everyone then expect authors to switch hats and become adept at knowing all the latest tricks to actually publish their book.

The keywords. 
The platforms.
The file types.
The tech. 

The to-do list goes on and on. 

It's enough to send you running for the hills. No wonder many authors fail to make it through. 

Isn't it time it was easier to publish your book, your way, while getting expert design, formatting and real human support - all in one place? 

We hope we can help you.

Thanks for reading. If you'd like to chat about your book, you can contact me directly at peter@bespokeauthor.com I look forward to talking to you.

Peter O'Connor

Owner - BespokeAuthor


Simple. Make it fair for authors.

Caroline and myself (Peter) believe how we treat authors is just as important as the work we do. Our values as people influence every decision we make, from how we answer emails to how we develop our products and services.

Human to Human Advice

We believe everyone deserves to be treated like a human.

So you won't find any 'no-reply' emails here. Just real human help and advice. As it should be.

No Jargon or Tech-Speak

Authors love to write, but most don't want to deal with jargon and tech talk.

So we speak to you in simple language. No NASA degree needed!

Fairness & Friendliness

Many of our authors become great friends. We often share stories and news from our lives.

So we always try to be friendly. Maybe it's the Irish blood in us!

The Author Keeps Control

As an author you should be able to keep control of your book.

So from keeping 100% of your rights, to your cover design choice, you stay in control at every step.

Respect At All Times

Authors tell us they've been so badly treated by agents and publishers, that they don't know who to trust anymore. 

We always treat authors with the respect they deserve.

Your Book, Your Way

Not every author wants to be a bestseller or sell like a car salesman. 

No matter your reason for writing, we will help you publish your book, your way.

More to explore

Have questions or want to chat about your book?
Our direct email is peter@bespokeauthor.com
We'd love to hear from you.