How to finally write and publish your book, without feeling overwhelmed or stressed...
Did you know, according to a recent study, 80% of people want to write a book, but less than 1% actually do it?
Peter O'Connor
Book publishing consultant, Bedfordshire, England.
"Authors come to me from all over the world for one reason. I believe every author deserves to see their book in print - without waiting years for a publisher.
Along with my wife Caroline we've worked with over 2,000 authors in the last 15 years.
And we'd love to help you avoid the mistakes and pitfalls, so you can finally write and publish your book, your way."
You can email directly to
Imagine all those untold stories.
All those shattered dreams.
More and more people, like you, want to write and publish a book, but it’s become harder to get a book deal.
In fact, the average author now spends three years struggling to get a publishing deal. Imagine...
- Three years of writing proposals.
- Three years of rejection letters.
- Three years of waiting to see if 'this time they'll say yes'
And in the end, you may have nothing to show for your efforts.
Frustrating isn't it? It's becoming clear...
Many publishers aren't interested in new authors...
And now, in these uncertain times, they're not taking as many chances on unknown authors.
They prefer to sign up “sure things”.
Authors with large social media followings, or a proven track record.
So you may be wondering...
- If you want your story published, and don’t have a large following, where does this leave you?
- If you want to see your words in a real “hold-in-your-hand” book, how do you do it without waiting for a publishing deal?
- Or perhaps you simply want a book to show your family to leave a legacy with your writing. What choices do you have?
Fortunately there is another way.
"Why not just publish your book yourself?"
I hear you say
"Anyone can publish a book themselves, these days, right?"
Well, I'm sure you're aware of the term 'self-publishing'. It sounds easy doesn't it? But in reality the complexity of the process is often simply too much.
And this is where many aspiring authors get stuck.
That's why I wrote my new book From Page to Published. I tried to distill the process down to the core.
There's so many steps to get right, it's easy to get overwhelmed.
For a start there's...
So you see, it's not so easy in reality.
It sounds simple but there are hundreds of tiny steps to get right to give your book the best chance of success...
Each of the nineteen chapters in my book comes from 15 years of knowledge and experience working with over 2,000 authors.
My hope is it will help you get your book published this year - without the stress of trying to figure it out yourself.
You can email me directly at
My wife Caroline and myself answer all emails, so we'd love to help you.
Here's just a small taste of what you'll discover inside:
Keep reading below to find out how you can get the book today.
Of course the truth is, it is hard work.
Like anything worth doing in life, it takes time and commitment. But it’s very achievable if you know the exact steps to take.
And in my new book From Page to Published I show you how.
Inside, I show you the steps you need to follow, to take your manuscript from rough-draft to polished-and-published.
So, let me tell you what's inside.
First, each of the 19 chapters summarizes years of knowledge and experience in book publishing. It's the truest short-cut to get your book published - without the stress and frustration of trying to figure it out alone.
And it's easy to read. At 147 pages, you can read it in a day or two. You'll have all the information you need, without any fluff.
Plus, I've written the book in an easy to understand way (no tech jargon or confusing terms), so it's perfect for new authors.
In fact, it's full of the same advice I give authors who become private clients.
Inside 'From Page to Published' I show you how to write and publish your book... you can get your story out into the world, without confusion or overwhelm
Here's a quick look at what you'll find inside:
I know it may seem like a lot, but I've done my best to write the book in an easy-to-understand-style, so you never get bogged down or confused.
So as you can see From Page to Published contains everything you'll need to write, finish and finally publish your book.
I sincerely hope the 19 chapters of friendly advice and down-to-earth guidance helps you get your book out with less stress and more joy.
And on the next page, you can also add-on done-for-you templates, if you wish, and a few more goodies that will save you time and effort.
You can get 'From Page to Published' for just $4.99
Your digital copy of From Page to Published will be delivered to your inbox right away, so you have immediate access to all the information you need to write, format and finally publish your book - without confusion or frustration.
Plus, you also get the 4 special bonuses below...
I've designed these free bonuses to compliment and enhance what you'll learn inside From Page to Published.
- Bonus #1 -
The New Author
Publishing Checklist
use this exclusive checklist to tick off all the steps to get your book published in no time
Wish there was a checklist of all the essential steps you need to take to get your book published?
Well, now it's yours.
A checklist of every step, to take you from manuscript to published. I've distilled it into one page so you print it and stick it beside your writing desk or computer, so you'll always stay on track and know what to do at each step.
And it's free when you buy my book today, only from this page.
Inside the checklist you'll:
There are so many things to think about when publishing a book and at times it can become overwhelming. So I hope this checklist gives you the peace of mind to push through and take it one step at a time.
Get this bonus checklist included FREE when you order my new book 'From Page To Published' here
You're covered by my 100% satisfaction, 365-day, money-back guarantee so in the unlikely event you don't like the book, just email me and I'll refund you straight away, no questions asked.
- Bonus #2 -
Quick Guide: The Stress-Free Way to Copyright Your Book
protect your words, the easy way, with this free copyright quick guide (a $29 value)
Simplify the often-scary process of protecting your book.
So many authors avoid copyrighting their book because it can seem daunting. But if you don't do it, you could be in danger from people stealing your writing. So in this guide I've distilled the steps you need to take so you can get it done with the least stress possible.
Inside you'll discover:
Copyrighting your book is a necessary, but often painful task every author needs to make. Don't put it off. Learn the simple steps you can take in this bonus guide today.
Protect your words, and learn the stress-free way to copyright your book, with this bonus guide, included FREE, when you order 'From Page To Published' below
You're covered by my 100% satisfaction, 365-day, money-back guarantee so in the unlikely event you don't like the book, just email me and I'll refund you straight away, no questions asked.
- Bonus #3 -
Bonus Video: Cover Design Secrets Every Author Needs to Know
exclusive cover design secrets tutorial video (a $49 value)
Did you know a top cover design can help you sell more books?
But get the design wrong and people will think your writing is poor, and they ultimately won't buy your book. So it's vital to get it right.
That's why I created this bonus tutorial video. In it you'll discover:
You see, people really do judge your book by its cover. And you only get one chance to make a good impression with your cover.
Discover the secrets to beautiful book cover design you can apply to your book, in this bonus video. Yours FREE when you order 'From Page To Published' below
- Bonus #4 -
Exclusive Discounts Off Expert Writing & Publishing Advice
this is completely optional and you can buy the book on it's own if you wish
Hi, I'm Peter. That's me in the photo above with my wife Caroline.
We've worked with 2,000+ authors over 15 years. You can read more about us down this page.
When you buy my book - from this page only - you'll have the option to get a discount to The Publishing Clinic.
This is our advice service where Caroline and I personally answer your publishing questions every day. We guide you through the confusing and at times frustrating road to publishing your book.
So you worry less about the technical aspects of publishing and get your book out into the world faster, with more joy and with less stress.
There's no obligation to try The Publishing Clinic and you can still enjoy the book on it's own if you wish.
As a publishing consultant, every day I give authors advice and guidance to help them publish their books.
This service is called 'The Publishing Clinic'.
When you buy my book today, you'll have the chance to try this service for an exclusive discounted price - only if you wish, of course. There's no pressure and it's completely optional.
If you decide to try The Publishing Clinic...
Of course, there's no obligation to try The Publishing Clinic. We're a family business (just me and my wife Caroline) so there's no pressure, or pushy tactics. And if you wish you can still buy 'From Page to Published' on its own below.
Get these exclusive bonus discounts, when you order 'From Page To Published' from this page only
You're covered by my 100% satisfaction, 365-day, money-back guarantee so in the unlikely event you don't like the book, just email me and I'll refund you straight away, no questions asked.
With my book and the the 4 special bonuses you're getting, there really is no reason to wait.
You know your words deserve to be shared and...
Now's the perfect time to get your story out into the world, with the guidance you'll discover inside the book...
So, whether you want to share your stories, write your memoir, spread your message, or leave your words as a legacy for your family, publishing a book is the way to go.
Some of the most successful authors in the world have published books themselves.
And you too can do the same, starting right now.
Get your digital copy of 'From Page To Published' for 4.99 and receive the 4 special bonuses included FREE
You get the 'From Page to Published' PDF digital book so you read it straight away, the ePub version for reading on your e-reader, Kindle or tablet, and the 4 additional FREE bonuses
Plus you're covered by my 100% satisfaction, 365-day, money-back guarantee so if you don't like the book just email me and I'll be glad to refund you straight away, no questions asked.
Questions about the book or need help? email and I'll get back to you as quickly as I can.
Hi we're Peter and Caroline O'Connor.
We're book publishing consultants from England. We work with new authors every day, so if you have any questions just ask. We'd love to help you.
It's just the two of us. No big faceless corporation here. So you'll always get a reply from Caroline or myself.
Who we are and how we can help you...
Hi my name is Peter. (That's me with my wife Caroline.) I'm a book publishing consultant from Bedfordshire in England.
Working with new authors from all over the world, I love helping my clients publish their books.
Clients come to me for one reason. I believe every author deserves to be published - without waiting years for a publishing deal. And without suffering the confusion and overwhelm of trying to do it alone.
Over the past 15 years my wife Caroline and I have had the pleasure of working over 2,000 authors.
We help finish their manuscript, arrange editing, and format the interior so it looks perfect in ebook and print formats.
Not only that, every author we work with gets a professional book cover design which helps their book stand out.
Plus, we also take care of getting their book on Amazon so there are no tech headaches to worry about.
All that may sound simple, but in reality there are over 350 steps to get right to make a book a success. And the process can take up to four months on average. To say it's a minefield for a new author is an understatement.
And that's why I wrote my new book 'From Page to Published'. I tried to distill the process down to the core.
I hope the information inside my book helps you get your book out into the world fast - with the least amount of stress, worry or overwhelm.
Enjoy the book and bonuses.
Peter O'Connor
Book publishing consultant, Bedfordshire, England.
I'm here to help you:
If you have any questions I'll be very happy to help you.
My direct email is Why not say hello.
My wife Caroline and I have had the pleasure of working with 2,000+ authors over the past 15 years
Here's a selection of a few of them...
Time is of the essence...
This is a limited offer because the book will only be available at the special price of $4.99 for a limited time.
After that, the price will go back up to the regular price of $14.99, and the bonuses may be gone.
So don't miss your chance to save $10 off the regular price, and discover the same professional advice I give new authors every month, during private online consulting sessions.
And to give you complete peace of mind, of course, the book comes with a full money-back guarantee.
In fact it comes with a...
365-day, no questions asked, 100% money-back guarantee
'From Page to Published' comes with a 100% Money-Back Guarantee. My hope is that you'll love the book, and the information inside will help you write and publish your book with greater joy and confidence.
But don't take my word for it.
Try the book now. Read all 19 chapters and then judge for yourself. I'm confident it will help you.
In fact, if within the next year you're unhappy for any reason, just email and I'll refund the price of the book straight away. No questions asked.
I hope you agree that's fair.
Get your digital copy of 'From Page To Published' for 4.99 and receive the 4 special bonuses included FREE
Here's everything you get when you order now:
You get the 'From Page to Published' PDF digital book so you can read it straight away, the ePub version for reading on your ereader, Kindle or tablet, and the 4 additional FREE bonuses
Plus you're covered by my 100% satisfaction, 365-day, money-back guarantee so if you don't like the book just email me and I'll be glad to refund you straight away, no questions asked.
And we'd love to help you too...
This book is a must-read for...
If you're feeling overwhelmed
If you know publishing a book is right for you, but you're confused about the exact steps to take, or you're feeling overwhelmed, this book will help you stay calm and show you a clear path to follow.
If you love writing but feel anxious at the very thought of publishing your book
Get all the advice you need about how to publish book in the most stress-free way possible.
If you're writing your memoir
This book is perfect if you're writing your life story or memoir and want to learn to publish it yourself.
Non-profits and church leaders
Pastors and leaders of non-profit organizations who want to serve their communities by spreading their message through a book.
If you're writing your first book, whether fiction or non-fiction
Whether you're writing your first fiction or non-fiction book or are already published.
If you've a message or story to share
Anyone who wants to get their message or story - whether fiction or non-fiction - out into the world, with the least stress possible.
So if you're finally ready to get your words off your computer - out of that dusty manuscript and into the world in - without stress or confusion, click the button below to get your digital copy of From Page to Published.
You get the 'From Page to Published' PDF digital book so you can read it straight away, the ePub version for reading on your ereader, Kindle or tablet, and the 4 additional FREE bonuses
Plus you're covered by my 100% satisfaction, 365-day, money-back guarantee so if you don't like the book just email me and I'll be glad to refund you straight away, no questions asked.
Questions about the book or need help?
Questions? I've got you covered...
How can I contact you?
You can email me directly at and I'll be very happy to answer any questions you have. I answer all my emails, so I'd love to help you. I've also outlined some more commonly asked questions below.
What does the book cost?
The book costs just $4.99 and you can download it straight away after purchase.
Can I buy this book at Amazon or a book retailer
No, currently the book is only available exclusively on this page.
I'm writing a memoir. Will this book be suitable for me?
Yes, this book shows you how to publish your book regardless of whether it's a memoir, fiction, non-fiction, business book, how-to, historical, or really any genre of book. The principles in the book can be applied to almost all genres. The only genre I can think of that would not benefit from the teachings in my book, would be "coffee-table" books (for example: large scale glossy photography books). Those type of books would need a different approach.
When will I receive the download of the book?
As the book is available as a download only (no physical book is sent), you'll receive an email within 10 minutes with instructions on how to download it.
Why are you selling the book so cheaply?
Currently we have a special offer where you can save $10 off the regular price of the book, so today you can buy it for just $4.99.
Do I need an e-reader, tablet or Kindle device to read the book?
No, I made the book in handy PDF format, so you can read the book instantly. You don't need to own an e-reader or Kindle device.
Is there a ePub version also, so I can read it on my e-reader or tablet?
Yes, I've also included a ePub version so you can read it on your Kindle device, e-reader or tablet.
When will I receive my bonuses and how will they arrive?
After you order, you'll receive an email with a link to the book and all the bonuses.
And we'll email you our personal contact details, so you can keep in touch and ask us any questions at any time. We're a friendly couple :)
I have another question. Can I get some assistance?
Of course. Just send an email to our direct email address either my wife Caroline or myself will be happy to take care of you.
You get the 'From Page to Published' PDF digital book so you can read it straight away, the ePub version for reading on your ereader, Kindle or tablet, and the 4 additional FREE bonuses
Plus you're covered by my 100% satisfaction, 365-day, money-back guarantee so if you don't like the book just email me and I'll be glad to refund you straight away, no questions asked.
Questions about the book or need help? email
Questions, comments or feedback?
Found an error or something not working on this page? Got a burning question? I'd love to hear it (the good and the bad). I'm always trying to improve my service to authors, so I'd be happy to hear from you.
Simply email me at
Thanks so much.
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